Marketing Diagnosis Program

Marketing Diagnosis Program, Diagnose your Marketing to see what is working & what is not working, then fix it.

This is your first step in working with me, I can't help until I know the result you want.
I do my research on your company, so that I have a good understanding of your online presence, then I get your input on a call or Zoom/Skype.

On this call, (or calls), we start by discuss where your company is now.
Where you are getting your business and the results you have at the moment.
Then we discuss where your want to be, what improvement is a win for your company?
Together, we diagnose your marketing, leveraging my 28+ years of expertise, combined with your expert knowledge.
We figure out what you are doing that is working,
We figure out what you are doing that is not working
We figure out what you are not doing but should be doing.
Then we build this into an outline of what you need to do to build your business from where it is, to where YOU want it you be. 

These calls are US$2,997 and come with my "Double My Fee" Guarantee. That fee is exclusive of any deliverables. 

I guarantee that if you don't make back Double my fee by implementing the advice I give you on this call,  I'll refund my fee.

Not a bad deal, if you implement the information from our call and don't make at least US$6,000 .... you get your money back.

If you like what I do, later, we can then discuss working together and we can implement a Client Capture System based on your needs.
As part of the Client Capture System, I work with you, to help you get what you need done and get a major boost in profits for your Business.

Before we go any further you need to know that I can’t help everyone.

You must be a respected professional service provider, who is is already Marketing.

Here is my three step process;

  1. Contact me if you are not sure if this is for you, or make your payment using the Payment link below. Remember, you must be a professional service provider, contact me if you are unsure.


2. Click here to Schedule a personal call

That’s it, I’ll email you after I get your payment and before the call.

If you are not sure if this is for you or you have questions, we can get on a short 15 minute call and have a chat about your needs, just Contact Me.

Looking forward to Talking with you.


Eoin O’Leary